17 Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress Site in 2023 (UPDATED)

17 Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress Site in 2023 (UPDATED)

Speed is everything. According to research from Kissmetrics, “40 percent of people abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load, and a one-second delay in page response can result in a seven percent reduction in conversions.”

If your WordPress site is sluggish, it’s going to increase your bounce rate and lower the average time that users stick around – both of which will squander the traffic you’ve generated, leaving visitors unlikely to return.

Fortunately, there are several ways to optimize your site’s performance by making some basic changes to your WordPress settings. Here are 10 changes you’ll want to make on your site right now:

1. Choose a speedy theme

Let’s start from the top. The WordPress theme you choose is vitally important. Not only does it determine the aesthetics and user experience, but it also impacts the speed of your site as well.

One mistake that many newer WordPress users make is choosing a flashy theme that’s overly complex with needless features. This is problematic because it can weigh your site down and hurt its performance.

Ideally, you’d go for a theme that looks great, but at the same time is simple (the word “minimalist” comes to mind). In most cases, you don’t need all of the bells and whistles that are out there, and keeping it simple should enhance your site’s overall performance. Check out this resource from Colorlib for a list of 20 themes that are specifically optimized for speed.

2. Keep your plugins up-to-date

WordPress developers are continuously updating and refreshing their plugins. Unfortunately, out-of-date plugins can create performance issues, so you’ll want to periodically check for updates.

Doing so is simple. From your WordPress dashboard, look at the “Plugins” section. If you see a number beside it, this means that there is an update for at least one of your plugins.

Click on “Plugins” to check out the details. From there, you’ll be able to tell exactly what plugin needs to be updated. Click the “Update Now” link to trigger an automatic update. This is a simple way to improve the functionality of your site and ensure that it’s operating at its best.

3. Eliminate unnecessary plugins

Plugins are great and allow you to fully customize your WordPress site. However, you should be selective when deciding which plugins to keep, as having too many can potentially inhibit your site’s performance.

According to WPBeginner, “Most plugins make an HTTP request to load assets like scripts, CSS and images. Each request increases your site’s page load time.” The bottom line is that keeping unnecessary plugins you’re not really using could slow down your site. Go ahead and eliminate anything that’s not legitimately contributing to your site’s functionality or the overall user experience.

4. Install a caching plugin

A caching plugin is designed to make your site more efficient and ultimately quicken its load time. It does this in several different ways:

1. Minifies and compresses pages and posts.

2. Caches database objectsCaches fragments in memory.

3. Javascript grouping by templates.

This allows your site to operate like a well-oiled machine. Although there are multiple caching plugins available, one of the best is the W3 Total Cache Plugin. It boasts more than a million active installs, a 4.5 star rating and nearly 5000 reviews. The plugin is so popular because it’s extremely powerful and flexible. If you want results but have very limited technical knowledge, this is a great plugin to have on your site.

5. Minimize CSS and Javascript file sizes

CSS and JavaScript are fundamental to your site. They translate plain HTML text into a working website with design elements and functionalities. You can think of website building as building a house. The HTML file provides the structure of the house (how many floors, how many rooms), while CSS provides the design (like colors, furniture) and Javascript provides the functionalities of that house (water, heater, gas for cooking).

However, these files need to be sent from your website server to a user’s web browser every time they load a page. So reducing the size of these files ensures your site can load faster. The good news: there are plenty of free plugins to help you with this matter. We recommend checking out Autoptimize. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require a lot of technical knowledge to operate. All you have to do is tick the boxes that say “Optimize CSS code” and “Optimize JavaScript code”. The plugin will automatically do the work for you.

Of course, reducing your CSS and JavaScript file size shouldn’t come at the cost of affecting your site’s look and functionality. All the plugin does is scan your files to look for unnecessary code (like spaces and comments) and remove them to shrink down the files.

6. Clean up your database

Over time, your WordPress database can get clogged up with things like spam comments, post revisions, and items in your trash. If left unchecked, this can inevitably diminish your site’s performance.

This is why it’s a good idea to clean up your database every once in a while. You can do this manually by deleting spam comments and emptying your trash, etc., but this can be fairly time consuming.

Fortunately, it can be automated with the WP-Optimize plugin, which “removes all unnecessary data (e.g. trashed/unapproved/spam comments, stale data) plus pingbacks, trackbacks, and expired transient options.”

It also performs automatic cleanups and optimizations to keep your WordPress database spick and span.

7. Optimize your images

Having beautiful and striking visuals on your website is a good thing. They help capture visitor’s attention and engage visitors with the content of your site. But did you know that, on average, images take up half the size of a web page? Large, heavy images are the pitfall of a slow-loading site.

If you want your site to load faster, optimizing images is something you should definitely look into. The goal is to save space without making users squint to see your visuals. Here are some tips to optimize your site’s images:

1. Make sure you use the correct image dimensions before uploading them on WordPress.

2. Compress your visuals to reduce file size. Compressed images lose some detail, so they aren’t as sharp. But this is completely fine. Your visuals only need to be sharp enough to ensure sufficient viewability.

3. Use the correct file format. File format matters for images on the web. You should aim to use JPEG format for photography and PNG for graphics and illustration.

4. Lazy-load your images. Usually when users visit a web page, their browsers have to render all the images before the page is served. Instead, lazy-loading only loads the images that appear in the user’s browser window. It gives an impression of faster loading because images are loaded gradually. You can enable lazy-load natively in WordPress from version 5.5 onwards if you have a bit of technical knowledge.

All of these can be done by installing a good image optimization plugin like Smush. Smush lets you compress and resize images in bulk, so you can easily enable lazy-loading in just a click.

8. Use a content delivery network (CDN)

People who visit your website can come from various locations in the world. This means that your website loading speed will differ, depending on the distance between your visitors and the physical server where your site is hosted. The further your visitors are from this physical server, the slower your website will load for them. Fortunately, using Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help to reduce this gap.

A CDN is a global collection of connected web servers. Each server stores a copy of your website’s files. When a user requests a page on your website, the server closest to the user sends these files to the user’s browser. Some popular CDN services include Cloudflare and MaxCDN.

CDNs are quite easy to set up in WordPress. Besides, it’s very likely that your hosting provider is partnered with a CDN service. So, you might be able to use their service for free or for a reduced price. For instance, Bluehost offers a free CDN service powered by Cloudfare that’s available for all users.

9. Display fewer blog posts

The fewer blog posts you display on your homepage, the quicker it will load – and vice versa. As a result, displaying five blog posts would be better than displaying ten or fifteen. Keep this in mind when adjusting your site’s settings.

You can reduce this number by going to your settings, as you did in point five, and selecting “Reading”. From there, go to “Blog pages show at most” and trim back if necessary. Five posts tends to be a good number to shoot for. And don’t forget to save your changes!

10. Paginate comments

Of course, you want comments. They show that visitors are engaging with your content and that it’s resonating with your audience. But there is one downside…

Receiving a large volume of comments can hurt your site’s performance and cause it to load more slowly. Fortunately, WordPress has a solution to this problem: “paginate” your comments. This means you break down your comments into pages so that your site’s speed isn’t adversely affected.

So, how do you implement this? From your dashboard, hover over “Settings.” Then click on “Discussion”. Scroll down to “Other comment settings,” and you’ll see a section that says “Break comments into pages with…”

Select the number of comments that you want on each page, as well as your display preferences. The default setting is fifty comments, but you may want to trim it back to twenty or less to give your site a slight performance boost. Again, be sure to save your changes when you’re done.

Final thoughts: optimizing your WordPress settings

WordPress is one of the most widely used platforms for building websites on the planet. As of February 2022, more than 60 million sites use WordPress. It’s intuitive, highly functional, and totally customizable.

But you need to ensure that your site is performing at its best and visitors are experiencing a quick and painless load time. Making the changes described above will address several key elements that impact performance and help your site operate at a consistently high level. This will keep your visitors happy, improve their experience, and keep them on your site longer.
10 Best Paraphrasing Tools | Free & Premium for Quality Content

10 Best Paraphrasing Tools | Free & Premium for Quality Content

Paraphrasing means rewording something – expressing the same idea in different words. Paraphrasing tools (or paraphrasers) are AI-powered online tools that can automatically rewrite your text for you. Students often use them to improve their writing and provide inspiration – making their text more formal, more fluent, or more concise.

Paraphrasing tools lets you find the best synonyms for your content without the need to manually go line by line and change content. Moreover, it helps in remove plagiarism from content as well as help in learning new words.

Whether you are creating content for a website, writing an academic paper, a business report, or an article, it is of utmost importance that your content is unique. You can look up different ideas on the internet for inspiration. However, you should avoid plagiarism at all costs, no matter what type of content you are writing. Make sure your work is distinctive and unique by using a paraphrasing tool quickly and effectively. You may find it challenging at first, but paraphrase tools make it easier by refining your work and making it more original.

There are several free and paid paraphrase tools out there, so we’ve put together a list of the finest one’s for you. Let’s get started!

What is a Paraphrasing Tool?

A paraphrasing tool is an online program or downloadable software that rewrites text or ideas while keeping the original text’s meaning.

If you’re not a native English speaker, the paraphrasing tool might help you explain yourself more effectively and improve your writing abilities.

There are several commercial and free online paraphrasing programs available that can quickly paraphrase any text, sentence, paragraph, article, or essay.

Benefits of Paraphrasing Tools

  •  It will save you dollars since the paraphrasing assistance is practical and free. You won’t need to pay content writers, and the articles will be of comparable quality.
  •  One of the most significant advantages of this technology is that it will help you save a significant amount of time.
  •  The fact that your work will be paraphrased in a short period of time is the largest bonus.
  •  You will receive 100% new material that is free of language, grammar, and syntax errors.

Top 10 Online Paraphrasing Tools?

1. Paraphraser.io

This artificial intelligence rewriter is the most sophisticated NLP-based rewriter available. It has the ability to paraphrase phrases as well as whole articles. Paraphraser.io has the ability to paraphrase on a human level. The final product will be readable, logical, and devoid of plagiarism in all aspects.

Unlike previous paraphrasers, this AI-based paraphraser preserves the original meaning while altering the sentence structure of the statement being parsed. This utility is accessible online and may be used from any device, including Android and iOS.

Accessible in the following languages: French, Spanish, Indonesian, German, and Turkish. It offers a mass article spinning tool that allows you to paraphrase a limitless amount of text in a short period of time. In order to notice the difference at a glance, it is possible to compare the side of the original and spun item by side.

2. Textreverse.com

It is recommended that you visit transverse.com if you are seeking a professional online paraphraser that is free of charge. This paraphraser is available to anybody who wants to use it online for free, without even needing to register. This tool can handle a large amount of material since it does not have a word restriction for paraphrasing text.

You may reword as many articles as you wish at this point. It is a safe and dependable platform to utilize since your stuff is safeguarded and secure inside it. The primary purpose of using a paraphrasing tool is to eliminate plagiarism.

This job may be completed quickly and simply with the help of this tool. It replaces comparable terms in the text and changes the sentence structure to convey the same idea.

3. Paraphrasing.Tools

When compared to other rephrase tools that you may come across on the internet, this article rewriter will assist you in producing far more readable material for your website. One of the most intriguing aspects of this system is that you no longer have to spend long hours manually writing your material.

Users will be able to download their paraphrasing material in a variety of formats, including word, Jpg, and Word (.doc) files. Advanced paraphrase methods allow it to reword your material in a matter of minutes with no further work on your side. In light of the above, it will not be an exaggeration to assert that this is the greatest Paraphrasing Tool currently available on the market.

4. Totalassignmenthelp.com

Students may save a huge amount of time if they used this online paraphrase tool instead of writing their own. When using this online paraphrasing tool, users have the option of paraphrasing numerous papers at the same time. Regardless of how large the provided text is, you would get the paraphrased version of it.

The usage of academic terminology and synonyms is strictly enforced. It is compatible with any device and can thus be accessed from any location. It avoids the overuse of the passive voice as much as possible. There is a 100 percent guarantee against plagiarism.

This paraphrase tool is really quick, and it has the potential to save you a large amount of time. It is possible to use the program to efficiently manage very large document files because of its instantaneous nature and great efficiency.

5. Paraphrasing-tool.com

Paraphrasing-Tool makes use of sophisticated software to choose the most acceptable method to rewrite, or paraphrase, your content in the most appropriate manner. The final result is an intelligently written, completely original piece of writing.

It saved a significant amount of time and energy in the process. Using this free tool, you may increase the SEO footprint of your blog or any other kind of reference website that contains high-quality material.

In comparison to a regular thesaurus, it is more powerful since it takes into consideration whole phrases, sentences, and paragraphs in order to identify new versions of your old material to employ. Because you don’t have to go through and study each word and phrase individually, this is also time-efficient.

6. Paraphrase-online.com

This tool known as paraphrase-online, is widely recognized as the best online paraphrasing tool available, capable of producing a unique essay in a matter of minutes. It provides support for many languages, allowing you to restate your content in the language of your choosing.

Before rephrasing the text, this rephrasing tool uses artificial intelligence to determine the meaning of the information being rephrased. Because of this, it is able to produce high-quality, unique articles without distorting the meaning of the original content.

It also enables you to compare your original content and the paraphrased piece side by side to see how distinctive they are from one another.

7. Paraphraz.it

Paraphraz.it is the most advanced paraphrase tool available, capable of producing thousands of articles in a single minute. Using this method, a high-quality piece that is 100 percent original is generated, which anybody can read and comprehend simply.

It is driven by artificial intelligence, much like the other paraphrase websites described in the text. The software is also equipped with text-to-speech functionality.

As a result, it makes it possible to create audio for every article. The nicest part of this tool is that it includes a Google Chrome plugin that works seamlessly with Gmail, Google Docs, and other Google services.

8. Softo.org

This online paraphrase tool meets the demands of its customers and offers the original text that is free of plagiarism and errors. This utility does not need the use of any special logins, registrations, or subscriptions in order to function properly.

This program is completely free to use, but you will have to pay if you want to have thousands of words rewritten. The only thing you have to do is copy and paste the information into the text box of the paraphrasing tool and then click on the “Paraphrase” button.

It will also be deleted from the database any text that you typed and rephrased after that. They do not save any of your information on their servers.

9. Spinbot.com

Another free rewording instrument on the rundown is Spinbot, which empowers you to summarize the text or any piece of content in only a single tick. Notwithstanding, the free form permits you to reword just 10,000 characters in a single shot with promotions and manual human tests.

This free online paraphrase tool is an excellent choice for individuals who do not want to pay a single thing on paid software. You will have the ability to paraphrase the information in a variety of other languages if you so want.

10. Aiarticlespinner.co

If you are not a fluent Speaker and are unsure of how to write your thoughts correctly, you should certainly consider using aiarticlespinner.co. This is essentially a paraphrasing tool whose primary goal is to restate your thoughts or ideas in the most effective manner possible. It enables you to post spun or paraphrased text to your Blogger web page in real-time, without having to wait for approval.

In contrast to other finest paraphrasing tools, it has an AI-powered Thesaurus. It is automatically updated with the right definitions and substitute terminology in this Thesaurus section.


Writing isn’t a simple chore, and it’s certainly not fun. Doing and finishing it requires a lot of time, effort, and mental energy on the part of the author. In order to rapidly and efficiently create original, human-quality material that can also rank better on search engines, you’ll need a tool that makes the writing process easier and helps you paraphrase your content. These finest paraphrase tools might help you choose the right one for you.

Writing always requires creativity as well as interest, but the paraphrasing tool has made it all relatively easier. These readily available tools help your content to stand out.

Different tools are ideal for different kinds of content, such as blog posts, college assignments, or sentence paraphrasing. You should choose the paraphrasing tool that suits your work tasks the best.

8 Ways to Fix Smart Hard Disk Error 301 in 2023

SMART Hard Disk Error 301 is an unpredicted error message that indicates hard drive failure or severe drive corruption. This error is related to HP laptops, which comes with HP SMART check embedded in the firmware. The HP SMART check is a customized version of Power-On-Self-Test (POST) check that scans hardware for issues when you boot the system. During the scan, if it finds a hardware-related issue, the firmware displays error code such as SMART hard disk error 301 when it encounters problems with the internal hard disk.

Also, this error in HP notebooks is quite common and occurs unexpectedly. You never know when your HP laptop might throw this error. Moreover, it doesn’t let you boot Windows OS. Therefore, when the error 301 occurs, you must be prepared as it becomes crucial for you to act immediately and appropriately to prevent data loss. Below we have discussed a few troubleshooting methods along with a few tips and software solution that can probably help you solve the hard drive error before the situation worsens.

Additionally, if the error isn’t fixed, the guide will also help you get your data back securely.

Why SMART Hard Disk Error 301 Occurs?

To solve the issue, we need to first understand the reasons to why SMART hard disk error 301 occurs. Then, accordingly, you can take measures to prevent such issues in future. Following are some of the factors that can lead to SMART hard disk error 301:

Outdated or Misconfigured BIOSLoose connectionApplication or Driver conflictsVirus issuesFile corruptionUnexpected shutdownPower surgePhysical damage

How to Solve SMART Hard Disk Error 301

1. Change Boot Priority Order

Turn off your HP laptop and then turn it on. Immediately start pressing BIOS key, usually F10 in HP laptops and desktops, continuously until you see the BIOS screen

Use left/right arrow keys and go to ‘Advanced’ tabUsing up/down arrow key, move the selection to ‘Boot Order.’Follow the on-screen instructions and move the hard disk to top in the boot orderPress F10 key to save changes and exit the BIOS

Alternatively, you can press F9 key continuously after pressing the power button to enter boot priority order. Use up/down arrow key and select your hard drive to boot Windows.

If the Windows starts, log in to your system and immediately backup your data. If it doesn’t boot up, proceed to the next troubleshooting method.

2. Reset BIOS

SMART disk error 301 can also occur when there is an issue with the BIOS/firmware. This issue could arise over a period as you use your system and tweak BIOS settings that sometimes coincide and lead to such errors.

To solve this, you can update BIOS.When an update is not available, we recommend you to reset the BIOSconfiguration by following these steps:

Follow steps given above solution to enter the BIOSPress F9 key to reset BIOSThen press F10 to save and exit the BIOS settings menu

Your system will reboot. Let it boot and if this fixes the error, immediately backup; else follow the next troubleshooting method.

3. Reseat Hard Drive

It’s possible that connection between the hard drive and the laptop might have loosened due to shock, physical damage, etc. Ensure a firm connection between the hard drive and the motherboard by reseating the hard drive.

Be careful while playing with the internals of the laptop as it may further damage your laptop. If you are not familiar with the hardware part, skip this method.

4. Hard Reboot

While system reboot is the first step to troubleshooting, sometimes restarting a system doesn’t necessarily fix some issues such as SMART disk error 301. In such a case, you need to shut down the system and discharge traces of currentfrom the motherboard. This is referred to as a hard reboot.

To hard reboot your HP laptop, follow these steps:

Shutdown the systemDisconnect the power cableRemove the batteryPress and hold the power button for 15-20 seconds in order to discharge every bit of current left in the motherboard (inside capacitors, coils, etc.)Wait for a few minutes and repeat once againThen connect the battery and turn on your laptop

Hopefully, this fixes the issue; if it doesn’t, the drive might have got corrupt. Follow the next method to recover your data and fix the drive error.

5. Use Data Recovery Software

The above-mentioned troubleshooting methods should fix the issue. However, sometimes, the hard drive gets severely corrupt, and common troubleshooting doesn’t work.

So when the described methods fail, you must rely on a data recovery solution such as Stellar Data Recovery Standard. The software helps you recover your inaccessible data securely from a severely corrupt hard drive using the ‘Deep Scan’ functionality.

6. Cool Down Your Hard Disk

An overclocked hard disk may be a major reason behind the smart hard disk error hard disk 3 309. To make sure your Hard Disk is cool and not overworked you can follow the tips below.
  • Improve airflow to your hard disk.
  • Regularly clean your PC's vents.
  • Monitor PC temperature and regulate your usage accordingly.
  • Maintain ambient temperature.
  • Don't use your laptop on your lap, this may restrict airflow.

Follow the steps below to restore your data from an HP hard drive showing SMART disk error 301:

Remove the hard drive from the system and use an use an HDD enclosure to connect your hard drive to a different Windows PCDownload, install and run the Stellar Data Recovery StandardsoftwareSelect ‘All Data’ and click ‘Next.’

Under ‘Connected Drives’, select your affected hard drive and click ‘Scan.’ If the drive volume isn’t visible, click ‘Can’t Find Drive’, click ‘Scan’ and follow these steps:Choose your connected HP hard Drive from the ‘Select Drive’ list and click ‘Search.’The software quickly scans your drive for lost, invisible, severely corrupt, or deleted partitions and lists them under ‘Partitions Found’ list box.In case the desired partition isn’t listed after the scan, click ‘Deep Scan’ begin thorough partition scanThen select the partition from the ‘Partition Found’ list and click ‘Scan’. Resume with the steps given belowOnce the scan is over, the software lists the recoverable files. Use search and filter option to locate important files quickly.Further, you can run ‘Deep Scan’ by clicking ‘Click Here’ link at the bottom of the software window if desired files are not foundAfter the scan, select the files you wish to recover and click the ‘Recover’ buttonChoose a save location and click ‘Start Saving’ to save files at your desired location.

Now you can open the Disk management tool and format your drive. We recommend you not to use the same drive after repair as it may fail again. It’s better to buy a new hard drive and replace the faulty one. You may also choose to upgradeyour hard drive to an SSD.

7. Turn to clean boot.

Click on Cortana search box on the taskbar and input run.

Select the Run app from the search result or just press Enter.

Type msconfig into the textbox; then, press Enter or click on the OK button in the Run dialog box.

The General tab will be checked by default in the System Configuration window.

Choose Selective startup in the General tab.

Make sure Load system services option is checked and the Load startup items option is unchecked.

Shift to the Services tab.

Check Hide all Microsoft services at the bottom.

Click on the Disable all button to disable the remaining services.

Click on the OK button.

Restart the PC to see whether the Windows Script Host error messages will appear again.

Please be advised that you should undo the above steps after you found the error has been solved in order to start your PC normally.


Smart Disk Error 301 is an abrupt error that frequently leads to data loss. Maintaining regular backup is an effective preemptive measure to address data loss situations that arise due to disk error 301.

However, it’s recommended to also have a data recovery software in case the backup is either obsolete or unavailable.

A software such as Stellar Data Recovery can not only recover inaccessible data but also proactively monitors hard drives to safeguard from impending drive failure and SMART disk error 301.
How to Fix Windows Script Host Error in Windows 10

How to Fix Windows Script Host Error in Windows 10

The Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) (formerly named Windows Scripting Host) is an automation technology for Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities comparable to batch files, but with a wider range of supported features. The Windows Script Host error may appear on your Windows 10/8/7 computer due to virus invasion, registry errors, or VBS script file.

This article mainly discusses how to fix Windows Script Host on Windows 10.

What does Windows Script Host do?

Windows Script Host, short for WSH, is actually a Microsoft technology; it is designed for computer administrators to automate and manage some tasks for the client computers (or servers). The scripting abilities which can be comparable to batch files are included in Windows Script Host. One of the most obvious characteristics is: it’s language-independent. That means the host is able to work with different Active Scripting language engines.

The Windows Script Host provides an environment for the Windows users to execute scripts in different languages which will perform tasks via different object models.

1. To enable or disable Windows Script Host, type regedit.exe in Run box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor on your Computer / Laptop PC search box or page Note that regedit is a run command therefore careful and keep your eyes on whatever you are going to type or do.


3. Click on >SOFTWARE

4. Click on >Microsoft

5. Click on >Windows Script Host

6. Click Setting

7. In the right panel, you will see Enabled. If you see the entry 0, it means that the Windows Script Host access is disabled on your Windows machine. Double Click on it and give it Value Data 1 to enable it. Here you have to be careful with any change made here because whatever you do here have effect on your computer.

Now you will see something like this:

Name Type Data

Default REG_SZ (Value not set)

Active Debugging REG_SZ 1

Display logo REG_SZ 1

Enable REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0)

Silent Terminate REG_SZ 0


Note: in most case, Enable may not be there, you have to create it yourself when you don’t find it by click on Edith on the top Menu bar and click New then Click on DWORD (32-bit) value and then enter the above code/number with Red Colour.

Finally, after you have entered the codes/number hit exit and close that’s all now you will not see the message displace again.

How do I get rid of Windows Script Host pop up?

Open Run dialog by pressing Windows key + R.

Type regedit and click on the OK button.

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\.

Create a new REG_DWORD key and name it as Enabled.

Change the value to 0.

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\ and do the same.

Please leave a comment below to know whether we are able to help solve your problem.

Thank you for visit our website do well to come back next time.

Last update 13 Janary, 2023
How to Add Email Address To Your Mail Munch Emails Lists

How to Add Email Address To Your Mail Munch Emails Lists

Do you find odd or sometimes you don't know how to wrap your head around where to find your email list, maybe you knew before but because of lot in our head we forget sometimes.

Below I got you covered. Just follow the simple step below and you are done.

Email address for weekly and daily summaries can be changed in the site management section. These emails inclued a daily or weekly summary of all the forms on your site.

Step 1) Open your site and click "Manage Site" link on top.

Step 2) Change the email address and click "Save Site". You can add multiple emails separated by a comma.

Notification Emails

If you want to get immediate notification emails whenever a new subscriber is added, you can do the following:

You can sign up for free here

Step 1 Go to "Behavior" step and open "After User Subscribes" panel.

Step 2 Enable the "Send Notification Email" toggle and add the email address you want. You can add multiple email addresses separated by a comma.

Sending a Broadcast Email to your Subscribers

Sending out a broadcast email to your entire subscriber's list is the easiest and most effective way to get in touch with all your subscribers at once. It is also extremely easy to set up and execute, just follow the few simple steps mentioned below.

Step 1: In your MailMunch account, navigate to your Mailmunch menu bar items on the homepage and select Campaigns.

Step 2: Click on the Create New Campaign button present in the top right corner of your screen.

Step 3: Click on Broadcast Email from the different campaign types displayed.

Step 4: Browse through a variety of eye-catching templates. Hover over the template and click on the button which mentions Use Template in order to select it.

Step 5: Give an internal title for your email campaign for easy reference. Click on the Start Building button.

Step 6: In the content section, you can modify and edit body of the email as per your liking. Add text, images, buttons, dividers or elements through HTML code by simply drag and dropping the buttons at your desired location. Click on the Save and Continue button to proceed.

Step 7: Click on the Subject step, this can be used to greet your subscribers. Click on Personalize and the drop-down menu will display several options available to personalize your email for an individual subscriber such as the First Name field. If the user did not provide a name in the form, there is an option to choose a default value for the missing field values.

Add the Preheader Text, this is a short summary text displayed to your subscribers when viewing an email.

Fill in the Sender Information, use your name or company's name as the Sender Name. In the tab next to the sender name, you will be shown the verified email addresses you have for this domain. If you do not have one, please type in an email address. A message will be displayed asking you to verify your email address. A verification email will then be sent to your email address, click verify through that email. You are prompted for successful verification, return to this step and click on Click Here.

Step 8: Click on the Audience step to select your MailMunch Lists or Segments. Subscribers present in these lists or segments will receive the Broadcast email. You can also enable UMT Tracking by clicking on the checkbox.

Step 9: Proceed to the Schedule step to set up a time for your email to be sent. Select the Send Now option to immediately send your email or select the Send Later option to send your email at a specific time. To specify the time, either enter or select Time zone and Date & Time from the drop-down menu. Click on the Save and Continue button to proceed.

Step 10: Click on the Review step to preview the final outlay of the email. You can send a Test Email to your inbox set as the sender's email address in Subject settings.

Step 11: Click on the Finish button. Then, click on the Save Draft button to save or the Send Now button to send your broadcast email.

After the campaign has been sent and enough data is collected, enjoy the in-depth report of your campaign.

You can also duplicate the campaign you have already executed to send out a similar campaign at a later stage.

Source: MailMunch
How to Make Your Site More Mobile-Friendly in 2023

How to Make Your Site More Mobile-Friendly in 2023

The first step to taking your mobile visitors seriously is to find out what proportion of your blog readers are already using mobile devices. And the simplest way to do that is by using Google Analytics.

If you choose to ignore this, you risk the following:

  • Less Traffic to Your Blog: As mobile usage increases, you could effectively be turning away 20% – 50% of potential traffic to your blog.
  • Fewer People Signing Up For Your Email List: Without a mobile-friendly blog and email opt-in forms, new visitors will leave in frustration instead of signing up to your list.
  • Potential Readers Lost Forever: A Gomez study found that 46% of mobile users are unlikely to return to a site if they had trouble accessing it from their phones. So first impressions are more important than ever.
Here’s the bottom line.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and you’ve worked hard to build your audience.

So you’d be crazy to lose momentum (and readers) by sticking your head in the sand and ignoring this mobile trend.

Today, Google released a change to its algorithm that gives higher search scores to sites it deems “mobile-friendly.” Curious WordPressers might be asking:

How can I be sure my site is mobile-friendly? What can I do if my site is not mobile-friendly?

1. See if your site is mobile-friendly

Visit Google’s mobile-friendly test link and enter your site’s address (e.g., http://dailypost.wordpress.com or http://automattic.com). Google will then analyze your site and declare it mobile-friendly or not.

Did your site pass? YAY! Pass GO and collect $200 from the Community Chest.

2. What can I do if my site is not mobile-friendly?

If your site failed Google’s test, you might be using an older theme that’s not responsive. Responsive themes change their layout slightly when someone visits via tablet or mobile phone to ensure that important content like the site title, post titles, and post content can be read on smaller screens.

There are two things you can do to make your site mobile-friendly:

Switch your theme to a responsive theme. Here’s a search on the Theme Showcase returning all our responsive themes to help you choose.

If you’d prefer not to switch to a responsive theme, you can enable an option that will show a mobile-friendly, responsive theme to your mobile visitors only. Go to My Site(s) → WP Admin → Appearance → Mobile in your dashboard. Click on the Yesradio

Click button to enable a mobile-friendly theme, and click on the Update button you’re set.

After all, what’s the point of going after new traffic if your blog is effectively throwing half of that traffic away? And if you don’t take steps to woo mobile users, you’ll find yourself working harder and harder to maintain the growth of your blog.

While other bloggers ride the wave of the mobile revolution.

So follow the five steps above to plug the leaks in your blog.

Because the sooner you start, the sooner that mobile traffic will come rolling in.
How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account in 2023 (Easy Way)

How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account in 2023 (Easy Way)

If your Facebook account was hacked by someone and you really want it back this post would help you get it back. I always advice people to used two-factor authentication to protects their accounts, just imaging losing all your pretty, cutie and beautiful pictures.

Very painful but there is a way you can still recover your hacked Facebook account. With the help of two-factor authentication you can rest assure cause your accounts is secured, any attempt you will get text message from Facebook telling you, someone is trying to log in to your account. To recover your account follow the simple steps below very easy:

Step 1: First go to this link. https://www.facebook.com/hacked

Click the button "Your account has been Compromised".

Then type in your email address, Login name , Full Name or your specified Phone No.

Then Facebook would search for matching users. If you still don't see your account, try entering something else other than the one you entered.

For example if you entered your phone number and it didn't work try entering your email or Login name.) Most of the time using your email would be the wisest choice.

And hit Search.

Step 2: Well now the kind of difficult part begins. But I don't think it would be for you.

Now for this step you got to enter your account's password. Well if you knew the password you won't be here anyway, cause you don't know your new password the Hacker's changed, enter your old password. The password that you use, to enter into your account before you got HACKED

Step 3: Then cause you entered an old actually now wrong password this page will come up. Well no need to be down yet. Just click the reset my password button.

Step 4: Your primary email would be changed so well of course you don't want to send your reset your password link to the hacker's account so, Click "no longer have access to these?" link.

Step 5: Well now you almost got your account back. Now write your new email address that you want to send the change password link as well set as your primary email.

Step 6: Well now, follow the next steps and you would have your account back in 24 hours.

Using Your Trusted Contacts to Change Your Facebook Login Email

If you have added three to five trusted contacts on Facebook, you might get an option to ask your trusted contacts for a unique code to regain access to your hacked Facebook account.

Ensure that you use a new email that has not been used on Facebook before.

After you fill in a new email in the form you see above, Facebook can redirect you to the following recovery option:

Here you can get codes from your trusted contacts to regain access to your hacked Facebook account.

Keep this form open while you send the recovery link facebook.com/recover to your trusted contacts. Your friends will see a unique code that they must send to you. Once you have received the recovery codes from your Facebook friends, add them here and click continue. 

Some of our clients have spent too much time getting the recovery codes from their friends, making the form invalid. If that happens to you, you need to repeat the process.Here is the message you’ll receive after using Facebook’s trusted contacts recovery option.

After submitting the codes to Facebook, you will see the message in the image above. You should receive a link from Facebook to your new email address to recover your hacked Facebook account. We have seen clients completing all of these steps without receiving any link from Facebook; if that happens to you, get in touch with us.

Facebook Recovery Links

Here are the best Facebook recovery links to try to gain access to your hacked Facebook account:




If you’ve recovered your Facebook account, you should follow our account security guide to keep it safe.

What To Do After Recovering Your Hacked Facebook Account:

Most times, a hacked Facebook account ensued because the owner didn’t appropriately secure their account in the first place. Most Facebook accounts that aren’t properly secured are vulnerable and can be hijacked by hackers. So what do you do after you’ve successfully recovered your hacked Facebook account? The answer is to set up 2FA on your Facebook account right away.

How To Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on Facebook

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) also known as 2-Step Verification is an authentication process that grants a user access to a website or an app after he or she has provided one or two pieces of evidence that clarifies them to be the person in possession of the account or profile they want to gain access to in a website or an app.

To turn on or manage two-factor authentication:

Go to your Security and login settings.

Scroll down to Use two-factor authentication and click Edit.

Choose the security method (I recommend using Text message – SMS) that you want to add and follow the on-screen instructions.

Do you have a question ? Leave your question below by using the comment button. Thank you

How to Fix Synchronization Error on Your Android App

If your phone is having problems syncing with your Google Account, you could see a message, "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly." or a Sync issue icon .

Most often we face this same problem when we want to get in to our email accounts or when we want to download something from Play store and most especially Google Gmail and Google Play Store. Most sync issues are temporary. Usually, your account will sync again after a few minutes. But if you keep having sync issues, try the following solutions.

I am going to show you all the most effective method I have been used to fix synchronization failures on my phone but first let’s talk about synchronization! Synchronization is the activity that makes a bunch of information or records in your phone to remain identical or familiar in more than one area on your phone.

Some of the time when you are attempting to adjust your record to a particular application like Google Play store or Gmail account however it appears to be only difficult to do it. Now and again the application doesn't show you what the issue is, so you don't know what you ought to do. At the point when you have synchronization failures there are a couple of steps that you should follow. Arrangement:

Make sure that you are connected to the internet. You also need to check if the services that are you trying to sync (just like Google or Play Store) is working as well. Free up some space on your phone like delete some of the files or videos media you no longer need to have some enough storage space on your phone. Click refresh after you have free up some space on your phone.

Another thing that you should do is to verify your password, check if it is correct and try again. If any of these doesn’t works, remove entirely your account from your device and add it again.

Manually sync your Google Account
  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Tap About phone And then Google Account And then Account sync. 
  • If you have more than one account on your phone, tap the one you want to sync.
  • Tap More  And then Sync now.

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