10 WordPress SEO Mistakes that can ruin your Blogging Career

WordPress SEO Mistakes that can ruin your blogging career, yes! I have seen many bloggers who made many WordPress SEO Mistakes, due to which they failed in blogging career.

If we talk about Blogger platform then it is suitable for beginners but they also have to keep in mind the important things after starting the blog, now talking about WordPress blog , they make many mistakes on this too.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a core aspect of the blogging world. A blog without SEO is like a body without a soul, the blog comes in search only with the help of SEO.

Now see for yourself, you are writing quality articles on your blog but there is no reader to read your articles. To bring your article in the top result of a search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo), you need to do proper SEO. is required. If you are failing to do this, your article will not reach its readers.

In this article, I will tell you about WordPress SEO Mistakes which can destroy your blogging career, 

1: Not targeting the right keywords

If you want your SEO to generate profitable results, you need to make sure you're targeting the right keywords. By not targeting keywords, the article will not appear in search engine results, doing so will have a negative impact on the site.

Instead, you should look for long-tail keywords that are not only less competitive, but also target a narrower, larger readership.

You will get information about what is keyword and how to do keyword research. In WordPress, you can use Yoast or Rank Math Plugin to write posts according to keywords.

2: Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the activity of filling a web page with words and keywords or phrases in order to manipulate a site's ranking in search results. 

If you are also doing keyword stuffing, then you should stop it because it completely reduces the ranking. Doing so may result in you being penalized by search engines, blacklisting your site, which means you will no longer find your site in search engine results pages, it will be removed from their index database.

3: Copying other's content

Always write unique and original content, do not copy any content directly from the internet and do not publish it on your site (although you can take ideas and write it in your own words). There are many tools available on the internet that can help you find out how much of your content has been copied. This is one of the common WordPress SEO Mistakes that harms your blog badly.

4: Not writing SEO friendly articles

New bloggers make this common mistake because they do not know how to write SEO friendly articles . SEO Friendly Article is a structure of your blog post which helps in bringing organic traffic to the blog.

5: Not using correct title tags and meta descriptions

If you do not use correct title tags and meta descriptions then it also plays a major role in your SEO ranking. Ideally, the page title should be unique and reflect the content of the web page so that search engine crawlers can index it correctly. It should be attractive for your content.

Meta Descriptions should also not be ignored, they are the sales pitch of your web page in search results, so you should create them within the limit of 160 words.

6: Forgetting the ALT tag

Search engines are not able to scan images, they use Alt tags for scanning. If not optimized for a keyword, an image is just an image file.

To optimize this, use the ALT tag when placing your images in a post; For example, if you are writing an article on blogging tips and showing their images then it should not be something like this – image01.jpg rather it should be Blogging Tips.jpg.

When you add an image to your WordPress background, there is a box for the Alt tag that you can fill in.

7: Compressing the Image

I too had made such a mistake which had a negative impact on my blogging career, but do not make this common mistake. Whenever you upload an image, check its size, if it is more than 100kb then compress it.

There are many free tools available on the internet to compress images, using which you can compress large sized images without losing quality.

8: Changing the theme frequently

Yes, if you change the theme again and again then you are making a WordPress SEO mistake. Changing the theme frequently has a bad effect on your readers, which affects the ranking of your blog.

9: Not paying attention to website speed

Let's say you finally achieve a good ranking in one of your keywords, but after a few days, you realize that your website is not ranking.

The first suspect is the loading speed of your website, which can quickly turn away your potential leads – prompting them to look elsewhere for what they need.

Almost 40% of users do not hesitate to leave websites that take more than 3 seconds to load.

On top of bounce rate , the loading speed of your website is also one of the on-page SEO factors.

Increasing the speed of a WordPress site is not very difficult, for this you can use plugins like WP Rocket which can optimize the loading speed of your website.

You can also use Google PageSpeed ​​Insights to check the speed of your website . After this it can be fixed.

10: Non-SEO-Friendly Permalink Structure 

Having a non-SEO-friendly permalink structure is a WordPress mistake that has a bad effect on your site. Permalink Structure is very important for your WordPress site. This is very important for your Permalink SEO.

Correct Permalink – http://hindimehelp.com/wordpress-seo-mistakes/

Wrong Permalink – http://hindimehelp.com/012561dsdfss61/wordpress-seo-mistakes/

The most SEO-friendly permalink structures is “Post Name”. You can set this by going to Settings > Permalinks.

Try to avoid the above WordPress SEO Mistakes; This will definitely help in increasing your website ranking.

If you too were making these mistakes till now, then do tell us by commenting, and if there are any other mistakes apart from these which we should not make on WordPress, then do share that too.
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