5 Ways To Make a Great First Impression During A Job Interview

Many people can perform brilliantly at interviews by applying certain principle. When faced with unexpected questions, whether as a graduate seeking employment or as a professional granting press interviews or during a proposal presentation, research has showed that, due to lack of preparation for certain questions, people tend to lose their composure. As such, they may give inappropriate responses to relevant questions which may be embarrassing.

Now tension felt during interviews is because some amount of control is given up thereby making most people feel uncomfortable. For job seekers, the challenges of getting a decent job after graduation are two fold, which are: Getting invited for job-selection process and scaling the process. These processes can involve in writing tests or answering questions accurately at interviews.

Being able to answer interview questions confidently and accurately has nothing to do with being a good orator, but being in control and applying it to have an edge should be viewed as selling your competence and qualifications to the interviewer. Some candidates are able to maneuver through it successfully while it is difficult for others to.

Today I am going to share with you five proven steps to sell yourself during interview and possibly land in your dream job.

1. Be prepared: Preparation can help in overcoming shock from unforeseen circumstances, like tough questions and first impression. Preparation process in interviews can be in form of research on the topic of discussion beforehand in order to have an in-depth understanding and a projection of likely questions that will emerge from it. Just as much as you are prepare the answers to give to the interviewers, you must also come prepared with questions to ask the interviewer about the position and the company.

Employers want to see people who think on their toes and are interested in the position as much as possible. You should scribble down a few quick questions that you can ask at the appropriate time of the interview to avoid embarrassment by thinking on the spot.

2. Get enough information: According to professionals, Interviewees should confirm the time and location of the interview. Don’t assume it will take place in the same location as your previous interviews. I also advise a verification of the format of the interview so you can prepare for the number of people who are also sitting in and understand what will be expected of them.

3. Use descriptive language: Certain questions which are asked to assess a candidate’s level of experience require descriptive response. A brief description of a challenging situation encountered in your previous employment and how it was resolved. Communicating personal experience can be dramatic and powerful.

A proper description of an experience with a client or the impact a product, service or change in policy as the case may be will explain what influenced your position on an issue. Moreover, a negative questions or comments should be countered with positive answers or statements.

Behavioural questions are designed to see how you intend to approach and solve problems. I advise you to select a simple scenario and focus on how you worked collaboratively with others people to find a solution. Doing this, will help to show the hiring manager how well you fit into the company. Use the specific examples from your experience and your knowledge of the company to demonstrate that you are a qualified candidate who will excel in the position.

4. Think before responding: Dealing with silence at an interview can be challenging. In an attempt to immediately fill the silence, respond too hastily to posted interview questions. I advise that you do not allow your rush to answer questions that will lead you to give less than perfect responses. Instead, after hearing the question, pause and take a moment to organise your thoughts before answer the questions.

It is best to answer even tough questions, to build credibility with the audience. However, professionals are not obligated to agree to the interviewer’s statements, but they should focus on passing the message across.

5. Body language matters: Studies have shown that voice inflection and body language are even more important than the words themselves when it comes to how messages are viewed. Professionals say body language plays an important role in how people communicate with each other.

According to them, in order to help people focus more on messages, they advise a natural posture by keeping the arms loose. This, they say will help to appear calm and confident. They oppose a posture that involves clasping the hands together, crossing the arms or legs, putting the hands on the pockets, or adopting any posture that prevents natural movement.

They say using appropriate body language will show the interviewer that they are interested in the job, intelligent and able to communicate in an effective and efficient manner.

Maintaining eye contact and nodding the head occasionally to indicate their concentration, according to them is the most important aspect of body language once the interview starts.

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